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The spreadsheet is full of things you'd never consider yourself when budgeting (the cost of contact lenses, school trips, lunchtime sandwiches) and a calculator at the end that gives you a final sum of incoming and outgoing. It tells me I've got a surplus of about $1,000 a year. Not great, but not desperate. When I meet McQueen, she adds in everything I've forgotten, and comes up with a deficit of $5,000. Then comes a pie chart which rather re-affirms what I felt: I'm not particularly profligate (a product of my Yorkshire birthright) but I'm spending 59 per cent of my income on my home. All this can be fixed, she says.
* Create a cash surplus. It is not about how much you earn, but what you don't spend.
* Identify the 3 things you need to spend money on to make life easier, or you happy. Factor this into your plan. If you are not enjoying life you will not stick to a plan.
* Understand your money personality – do you find it easier to spend or save?
* Identify if there is a money dynamic in your relationship. Discuss and agree your financial goals.
* Set goals, measure, achieve. Be accountable to deadlines and each other. Getting ahead is not for the faint hearted.
(From http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/money/71522539/How-to-pay-off-your-mortg...)
· 明确花费
首先,你要明白除了还款,你的钱都花在哪里了。你可能存在一些未留意的花费。Rob Stock表示,大多数人们都还没有这方面的意识,像聘请私人的健身教练,园丁,保姆,房屋清洁等,这些固定的支出可能会是很大一笔花费,会直接影响你还贷的能力。所以在设定你的还款结构之前,你需要清楚你全部的花费,特别是潜在花费。
· Lump Sum(一次性还款)
· 额外还款
在详细的了解了自己具体把钱都花在了什么地方,也清楚了自己可以从什么地方的省下钱来用于还款之后,你就可以设定还款方式了。联系TFS,我们有专门的Life Style Check系统,该系统可以帮助顾客了解自己的具体花费。同时,我们的贷款顾问帮助每一个顾客在确保生活质量的前提下,怎么才能更有效地还款,这样就方便顾客确定适合自己的还款结构。