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Bank risk real LVR target
Mitigation of bank risks, rather than dramatic house price correction, is the likely outcome of the Reserve Bank’s new LVRs, financial experts say.
Thursday, August 4th 2016, 12:26AM
by Miriam Bell
Last month the Reserve Bank announced it plans to introduce new LVRs which will require property investors around New Zealand to have a 40% deposit when borrowing for mortgages.
Many lenders – including Westpac, ASB and ANZ – implemented the proposed LVR changes immediately.
Following the Reserve Bank’s move, public attention has focused on the potential impact of the changes on the overheated housing market.
However, financial commentators don’t believe the new LVRs will lead to a significant fall in house prices.
Harbour Asset Management’s head of fixed interest and economics, Christian Hawkesby, said the Reserve Bank’s move might take the froth off overheating house prices
The proposed rule change will constrain investors’ access to finance and could, potentially, affect their enthusiasm if they anticipate constrained demand going forward, he said.
“But, at this stage, we do not foresee a dramatic correction in prices, although we do see the scope for falls as much more likely now.
“Low (and possibly lower) mortgage rates, ongoing positive net migration, housing supply shortage, and the unflappable Kiwi faith in housing argue against a sharp fall.”
While higher interest rates and higher unemployment would usually be the triggers for a market decline, in this situation it might come down to animal instincts and herd behaviour.
(Source from http://www.goodreturns.co.nz/article/976504498/bank-risk-real-lvr-target.html?utm_source=GR&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=HSBC+breaks+record+with+with+new+low+home+loan+rate)
引言:下调OCR往往会推动房产市场使得进一步的增长,促使更多的房产借贷产生,房价进一步提高。而对于OCR,央行行长Graeme Wheeler在周二的发表会上表示防止为了市场通胀率的继续下跌,消减OCR是必行的措施。房产市场似乎应该朝着更加火热的场面发展。可是翘首以盼的购房者们并未迎来所期望的银行更低利率。让人不仅思考:未来房市似乎变得更加不好预测。
央行未降息之前,市场预测纽币对美元的汇率会随着OCR下调也同步下调。可实际市场反应却是“背道而驰”。纽币兑美元的汇率似乎更依赖于美国本土经济的改变。在旧金山联邦储备银行总裁John William表示恢复九月会加息之后,纽币兑美元汇率在本周一下调了0.23,达到了72.45。有金融机构分析,纽币对美元汇率可能在本年度无法降至70以下。而为了促使纽币兑美元有所下降,新西兰联储可能在今年年末推动更加宽松的政策。可能再次下调OCR来实现更多市场刺激。但是相应的银行调整贷款利率下调空间却十分的有限。
在ANZ、Kiwibank、Westpac等银行纷纷调整其银行的Floating Home Loan利率之后,BNZ银行也同样确定即将下调该银行的浮动贷款利率。公布浮动利率将从5.69%下调至5.64%。至此,目前新西兰主要几大银行针对此次央行下调OCR都作出了明确的“反应”。不过各家银行都只是微调了银行的浮动贷款利率和部分存款利率,其余并未作出任何重大变动。银行方面表示,尽管央行希望银行可以对出更多的“反应”。但是目前银行的利率下降已经渐渐逐渐达到了银行可承受的借贷极限了,银行在调整贷款利率的时候不单纯考虑OCR变化,还需要结合银行自身借贷成本。所以,正在蓄势待发的购房者们,未来银行贷款利率变化空间不大。通过银行贷款买房似乎变得越来越严了。
已有多家银行的表态,对于房贷审批标准会越来越严了。银行将优先考虑通过拥有更稳定收入和更优良抵押房产的贷款申请。这样“严格”的贷款环境之下,购房者该从哪里入手进行申请呢?答案就是寻找一位好的贷款顾问(Mortgage Broker)。贷款顾问拥有让顾客十分受益的优势:
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