Reserve Bank of New Zealand threatens more macroprudential measures to cool housing market


Reserve Bank of New Zealand threatens more macroprudential measures to cool housing market
New Zealand's Reserve Bank is threatening more measures to cool the nation's runaway housing market, in what could be a foretaste of things to come in Australia.
New Zealand was ahead of Australia in introducing so-called macroprudential controls on home lending, notably an 80 per cent restriction on the size of loan that a bank could issue relative to the value of the property.
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand introduced those loan limits in October 2013, more than a year before Australia's bank regulator APRA introduced softer and less formal mortgage restrictions.
Two years later the RBNZ tightened this loan-to-value ratio (LVR) restriction to 70 per cent for people borrowing money to buy investment properties in Auckland in response to a renewed home price surge in that city.
The measures are believed to have been effective, with the RBNZ estimating that each of the original restriction and subsequent Auckland-specific limit had kept home prices in that city between 2-4 per cent lower than they otherwise would have been.
The RBNZ's deputy governor Grant Spencer also said that the measures have reduced the proportion of high LVR loans issued by banks and made them safer.
"These balance sheet trends will help to reduce banks' losses on riskier loans in the event of a downturn in the New Zealand housing market," he said in a speech to the New Zealand Institute of Valuers.
"In so doing, it would facilitate a continued flow of credit through a downturn."
上周,新西兰总理John Key发表了针对目前新西兰房市的看法,他认为央行应该出台限制投资者行为的政策。并提倡该政策应该推广到新西兰全国。隔天,央行副行长对此作出了专门的发言。房产市场即将引来了新一轮的“动荡”。
央行副行长Grant Spencer 表示亟待需要有效的政策来解决房地产市场发展不平衡的现状。新西兰房地产市场兴起导致房屋价格持续攀升,全国平均房价增长率为13%,奥克兰及周边地区增长率为15%~20%。
央行认为宏观审慎政策能够帮助解决金融市场稳定危机,但是单一的政策并不能完全解决房地产市场危机。Spencer 指出,单一的LVR政策可以对房地产市场施压,解决其发展不平衡问题。银行也会出台一些政策来辅助LVR政策的实施。像DTI政策即债务收入比例,可以辅助LVR政策来解决因为房贷而导致的收入以及利率的风险,DTI政策造成的违约风险远远小于其他政策。DTI以及LVR政策同时实施会稳定信贷市场,房地产市场,其效果大于单一政策的实施。DTI以及LVR政策实施还需要深入的分析以及系统的准备工作来使其发挥效用最大化。
紧接着,新西兰工党党魁Andrew Little发声,工党计划将明线测试(bright line test)从目前的两年延长至五年,这意味着若工党执政,五年内销售投资房产都需要缴纳资产利得税(目前为两年)。
从John Key到Grant Spencer的发言,都表示新西兰高房价的现象已经引起了高度的重视。那么长远看来,究竟是什么因素造成呢?
有经济学家认为,“助燃”高房价其中一项因素是银行的贷款利率。正因为银行的贷款利率走低,使得人们贷款买房的成本减少,促使了新西兰房产借贷的总数破表。BNZ首席经济学家Tony Alexander 认为在政府和央行一些列的政策之后,新西兰房价可能会得到了抑制。
·         HSBC认为未来OCR是否下调并不明朗。根据银行最新的全球经济报告来看,新西兰经济依靠着旅游业和建筑业的发展表现良好。银行对于2016年的GDP预测从早前的2.4%上升至2.6%。但是,市场通胀率却并未达到央行原有2%的目标,所以银行是希望央行可以在2016年第三个季度下调OCR到2%。
·         NZIER的高级经济学家Christina Leung表示,根据其最新的市场经济信心调查,6月份市场对新西兰整体经济增长信心十足。但她表示,最近英国的“脱欧”使得全球经济明显地动荡,增加了央行在8月份降息的可能,以保障不受到全球经济的影响,导致新西兰经济走下坡路的风险。
·         ASB的高级经济学家Jane Turner表示,三月份以来,新西兰经济有了增长势头,市场对经济的信心提升,加上通胀率有了一定的增长。但Turner表示,通胀率的增长未达到了央行2%的目标,所以ASB预测央行可能会在8月份下调OCR到2%,年底前下调到1.75%。
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