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Homes selling up to 60 per cent more than RV in Lower Hutt property boom
Lower Hutt property buyers are being priced out of the market as the boom reaches levels not seen since the 1980s.
A modern home in Avalon with a rateable value of $565,000 sold at auction for $784,000 last week while a villa with an RV of $510,000 went for $704,000 in Alicetown.
Hutt City Professionals managing director John Ross said a "once-in-35-year phenomenon" in market confidence had followed the lows of the recent economic downturn, similar to that seen after a slow-down in the 1970s.
With the wider Wellington market flat since 2008 the sizzling market was a natural correction for years lacking capital growth.
That confidence had been strengthened by record low interest rates and a lack of housing stock.
Figures provided by the Real Estate Institute of NZ revealed the average house price in the Hutt Valley rose 19 per cent from $332,500 in July 2011 to $397,000 in May this year.
The average house price in Upper Hutt Central rose from $304,000 to $407,500.
Quotable Value figures showed Upper Hutt's 1970s subdivision Totara Park had been driven up by intense competition between home buyers and investors by 7.2 per cent to $328,950 between October and May.
Ray White Lower Hutt managing director Rupert Kemeys said residents were "going back to the tried and true investment of bricks and mortar".
"The market should continue this way for a few more years at the minimum with our current low interest rates, which experts picking they will drop again this year.
"Make no mistake this is not a housing crisis like some claim, this is just another property cycle hitting its straps."
Kemeys said Petone had become a hot spot built on the development of Jackson St.
A house there recently sold for $750,000, almost 60 per cent more than its RV.
惠灵顿Lower Hutt 房价高涨
最近Lower Hutt房屋成交价屡创新高。一栋Alicetown的房屋RV(rateable valuable)51万纽币,成交价是70万4千纽币(高出RV38%)。而一栋Avalon RV 56万5千纽币的房子,最终以竞拍价78万4千纽币成交(高出RV38.76%)。有专业人士指出,出现高出RV很多成交价的现象主要都是受到银行贷款低利率和房源紧张的影响。
新西兰房地产协会的统计数据显示,Hutt Valley地区平均房价从2011年7月份的$332,500增加19%,达到了2016年5月份的$397,000。Upper Hutt中心的平均房价也从$304,000上升到了$407,500。就连之前不太热的Naenae, Stokes Valley 和Wainuiomata地区的房价都不同程度地上涨。最新成交了一个75万纽币的房产,整整高出其RV60%。
Mortgage Supply公司主管Jenny Campbell表示,未来出台的更多针对投资者的限制条件,主要影响的是银行关于投资者的限制。投资尝试新的选择:非银行贷款。像财务公司等非银行借贷机构则是不受限制政策影响。他们对于投资者的还贷利率没有和自住房利率有所不同。同时从财务公司贷款的安全性也不用担心。一般财务公司的资金都十分雄厚足以保证整个贷款的安全。投资者唯一需要考虑就是一般非银行机构的利率都会比银行利率高。只不过相差的利率也不到3%左右。绝对是投资者可以在银行“碰壁”之后,不错的新选择。